Monday, March 1, 2010


My NEW laptop computer is in the shop and with it are the folders I have most of my photos stored. Hopefully the problem is minor and I will get it back soon. This photo of the bottle tree was taken by our neighbor, Tom while we were in CA. While I hate cold weather I do love a beautiful snow fall. According to Tom this was the best kind. They woke up Sat. morning to a beautiful light snow covering everything. By noon you could drive anywhere you wanted to. I really hate I missed this one especially the photo opportunities.

This past summer my son, Lee constructed a bottle tree for me in the front circle of our drive way. I wanted the tree to be covered with blue bottles with an occasional pop color. Obviously I started with what ever bottles I had, and most wine bottles are green, but between my neighbors, the convenience station, near our house, and an occasional blue bottle of our own the tree is now covered with blue bottles. We have one brilliant red bottle compliments of our neighbor.

Tom and Kaye are wonderful neighbors and they go beyond the call of duty. They visited the liquor store soon after my tree was installed. Not being big fans of white wine they asked the clerk if she had a good wine in brightly colored bottles. That is where the red bottle came from. They have also contributed a few blue bottles as well. Thanks to Tom for taking this beautiful photo for me.

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