Thursday, September 30, 2010

Vacation and Doll Class

My husband and I just spend a great week visiting our friends Ann and Tom on Harbor Island. The trip had a three-fold purpose. We went for rest and relaxation and to spend time with our friends, also to celebrate both guys birthdays and Ann and I took a doll class. We always have such a good time when we visit them, they are great host.

The reason for this post however, is to tell you a little about the doll class. It was taught by Beaufort artist Terry Waldron, Terry proved to be a great teacher, laid back but encouraging and instructive. I was a little surprised when she told us we had to make our own pattern. This was a two day class and I guess that I thought she would would supply a pattern due to time constraints.

I was quite happy in the end that we had to draft our own pattern and I'm sure this was her plan. We started by drawing the shape of the body, arms and legs. We had to have an idea of how we wanted the legs/arms to bend so they would be shaped properly. We then stuffed the body parts with poly-fil until they were very hard.

We then designed the head, stuffed and painted the face. Terry then showed us how to attach the legs/arms/head to the body. We chose wild eye-lash yarn for hair and applied that to the head. Made clothes for the body and embellished it with accessories, etc.

I'm attaching photos of the process along with the dolls at the end of the class. Keep in mind that the dolls are not quite finished.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Focus and Thread Head's Exhibit at The Arts Company

The exhibit, "Quilted Wood Works" opened to a large crowd in Seneca, SC Friday night Sept. 17 at the Arts Company. This exhibit was put together by the members of Focus and the Thread Heads, two fiber art groups from the Upstate of SC. The theme for this show was to be Wood, Carpenter, Architecture, or Trees. The purpose was to honor Warren Carpenter, owner of the Arts Company.

Warren has been a friend to the fiber arts in our area for a long time. He is a gifted artist in his own right as well. Not only is he a wood turner he is an architect and carpenter with the name of Carpenter. What else could we use as a theme?

Warren constructed a beautiful hanging wood piece titled "Tranquil Peace" that was made for this show. We are saddened that Warren is moving his store to Greenville, SC and we will no long have his venue for our art work. The economy demands strong measures at this point so we wish him well.

I listed names and titles of the works as I posted the photos. Unfortunately the last photo goes with the first name, etc. Don't know how to correct that. Maybe someday I will learn how to post correctly on my blog.

"From Woods Worker to Woodworker" by Dixie Haywood
"Woody", By Bonnie Ouellette
"Growth Rings: Fabric Chronology, Barb Tennyson
"Basilica's Dome", By Carolyn Harris
"Seeing the Diana Pickens
"The Arch" by Jean Loussarian
"The Old Mill" by Janna Schulke
"Heartwood" by Marge Edie
"Trees I - Winter" by Judy Simmons
"Good Neighbors" by Veronica Moriarty
"My Gingerbread Porch" by Paula Ridley
"Nature's Carpenter" by Heidi Wolko
"Arboreal Abode" by Ann Hanewald
"One With the Wood" by Marilyn Wall

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

ArtQuilts XV:Needleplay


I found out last week during the midst of our quilt show that "Love" had been accepting in ArtQuilt XV:Needleplay.

Art Quilts has grown from a local Chandler, AZ quilt show to a respected vehicle for contemporary works. The exhibit draws entries from around the world and has thousands of visitors each year.

The exhibit is presented by the Chandler Cultural Foundation. It will be displayed at both the Chandler Center for the Arts and Nearby in Vision Gallery's new home, the community's new City Hall facility. The exhibition is overseen and installed by the City of Chandler's visual arts staff.

The exhibit opens Nov. 5 - Jan 15, 2011. The reception is Nov. 12. Wish I could go.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Some Blue Ribbon Winners

Best of Show went to Sue Huntson for Pomegranate. Because it will take to long to post each persons name with their quilts I am going to list each blue ribbon winners name. This was a Viewers Choice vote.
log cabin-I Believe I lost my Mine byBrenda Bigelow
Garden Variety by Gail Sexton
Chocolate Covered Cherries by Margaret Barre
Pile of Leaves Reborn by Diana Pickens
Garden Variety by Jean Loussarian
Lake and Mountain 20th Anniversary group quilt, quilted by Lynn Brill
Happy Plant by Gail Sexton
Nativity II by Ronette Askew
Antique Bricks by Betsy Ward
Catherine Issabella's Baby Quilt
I'm afraid I don't know who made the beautiful appliqued quilt that is second in the photos. It received two ribbons and was well deserved. Sorry to make this short nbut I'm beat.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


I don't have a lot of time to write this morning because I'm headed over to the Shaver Center to work at the quilt show. Just wanted to show you a little of what you will see when you come today.

Don't forget this is the last chance you have to buy a ticket for this beautiful opportunity quilt. Drawing is today.