Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sold Two Pieces over the Holidays


"The Early Bird gets the Worm"

I just found out this week that I sold two small framed fiber art pieces over the holidays. I actually had these in different galleries in different towns. I'm delighted with the sell as it once again validates that someone likes my art. However, at this point I'm really trying to decide how I can get my work out to a wider audience.

The area in which I live is small town so there aren't many venues here. I've actually sold two large pieces and two smaller pieces this year. One sell came when I had my one woman show, one through IQA in Houston and the two smaller ones at local galleries.

We have a co-op gallery that I want to look into, but again I'm talking small town. I've been thinking about investigating Itsy. I really don't know anything about how the site works and would really like to talk to someone who has a shop on the site. If any of you can help me I'd appreciate an email from you.


  1. Congratulations! I'd be happy to try to answer any Etsy questions that you have.

  2. Thanks Vicki, I will email you soon. I need some more fabric as well.
