A bit more added. I work on these pieces on top of my cutting table. I'm used to working on the design wall and it's hard for me to see how the design is progressing.
I finally covered all the space and felt that the piece was complete. In order to move the top to the design wall I pressed the pieces with a hot iron. You can see in the photo above that I had adhered Misty Fuse to the top of the fabric. This enabled me to attach a lot of the small confetti pieces before adding the tulle.
There are always pieces that do not touch the fuse so those are caught by the tulle. I then heavily pinned the tulle to the backing, batting and top fabric.
Now I can stand back and look at the piece. I'm not happy here and can't quite decide what the problem is. So I decide to take a breather and wait until the next day to come back and look with new eyes.
New eyes told me that the bottom right flowers was not pleasing. It looked too much like a blob instead of a combination of colors that the other two share. So I fixed that, I'm happier but there is still something.
You know the rule of threes, right. Well those two little flowers at the bottom just needed another tone to make it complete. Remember here is more to come.
Now it's time for quilting the top.
Today I had time to place the butterflies that I've been working on as I travel. They aren't thread painted yet but that shouldn't take long. Then I will attach them to the quilted top then face the piece and another one is finished.
Houston here I come. Even if I weren't on a roll, going to this fabulous show would surely get me moving. I hope you will follow me on face book at https://www.facebook.com/MarilynWallFiberArtist during the Houston Festival. I won't have my computer but plan to post often on my Face Book page using my Ipad.
This post is linked to www.ninamariesayre.blogspot.com