Saturday, January 1, 2011

Word for the Year "De-stress"

The group on ArtDigest has been writing about their word for the year. I tend to not make resolutions because I have a problem keeping them. However, as I've read the words for the year on Digest I've really been thinking about a word that would be good for me.

These past months have been ones that I've had to make decision about how I was going to spend my time. In late Nov. I had to make a list and prioritize what was most important to me. I had several gift that I wanted to make for my family, a quilt that has been ready to quilt for months that I wanted to enter in AQS, many other ideas I wanted to start.

I'm a member of FFFC and the challenge came out Christmas Eve. We were at our daughters home for the holidays and I knew that the challenge wouldn't be met. My son and granddaughter came home with us to stay through New Years, and I am getting ready to teach for three days.

I've decided my word is DE-STRESS, is there such a word? I wanted to make the gifts for my family and I wanted to visit with our family over the holidays. I had to make a choice. I can enter AQS next year, I can still work on the FFFC challenge and I will get my class ready to teach. So this year my word is DE-STRESS.


  1. Do you mean de-stress? As opposed to distress which is what happens if we don't de-stress and relax????

  2. Hi Marilyn,

    Instead of distress, I think you mean de-stress. Not sure if that is a real word. As one who is spelling challenged, this makes sense to me.

    Glad you had such a wonderful holiday season. I just posted my FFFC on my blog.
